What does a typical school day look like?
The school doors are opened at 8.45am for children to enter, ready for formal learning starting at 9.00am. Registration closes at 9.00am.
Within the morning, children will engage in Maths, Reading and Writing lessons. Pupils within Key Stage 1 will also take part in a Phonics session to support early reading and writing also.
All children have a morning playtime which either takes place on the front or back playground. Within the playtime, outdoor play equipment is available for all children to use.
Lunch is prepared onsite and is served from 11.45 onwards. This is served from two kitchen areas and is eaten in either the Key Stage 1 hall or the Key Stage 2 hall. The children have a lunchtime playtime again on either playground. Lunches are staggered up to 1:15pm.
The afternoon learning sessions begin between 12:45pm and 1:15pm depending on the year group. A wide range of subjects are taught within the afternoon sessions, all linking closely to books. Geography, History, Music, RE, Art, Design and Technology, Computing and French (KS2) and PE are taught within the afternoon sessions.
Classes leave school from 3.15pm. gates will be open in order to access the school site from approximately 3.00pm..