Pupil Voice
We adopt a whole-school approach of ensuring all voices of our school community are heard.
Pupil voice at The Parks means we are committed to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children and young people. It means placing value on what they say and what tell school staff about their experiences.
We feel that children need to be provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about their school. Pupils need to know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school. They need to know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.
With this is mind, children are given the opportunity on a termly basis to speak with members of staff – senior leaders and subject leaders about their positive experiences in school along with their thoughts on improvements.
Some answers from recent pupil voice questionnaires:
” I enjoy school because I get smarter and smarter. My teachers make me smarter.” Year 1 boy
“I like that staff always support us.” Year 4 girl
“I love the experiments and looking at lots of new things. I like science because I like to find what works. Planting plants and exciting fun things are my best thing to do. I would like to learn about Space and all the planets and different galaxies in space. I liked learning about animals and how they grow that was fun.” Year 2 boy
“It’s nice to know different languages and if we have a child from French [SIC] I can talk to them and help them.” Year 3 girl
“I like RE because it is about learning about other religions. I like when we do art with it.” Year 5 boy
Academy Council
We also have an academy council who are elected yearly. We follow a democratic process, with pupils presenting to their peers what actions they would take if they were to be elected. The council meets regularly and takes on projects that differ in length. This adds an extra dimension to our academy and supports the development of pupil leadership.